What has Jan been up to? LOTS of recording today … Minneapolis burning … Alex & I also another show…
Video: JEWS105A: Jewish lies that work: The One Jew Lie
Jews are extremely quick and glib and able to fool you in a second. They will successfully lie to you in the course of what you believe is a friendly conversation with someone who is a genuine friend of yours.
Just a note. Today I had my head down. Its great when I get to sit and do work on videos. I am so very pleased to see how my Angola/Portuguese Battle of Carmona video is doing.
I was deeply at work on the next video… about how Black Terror and White Genocide turns into White Terror and Black Genocide!!! Its even more horrific than the Battle of Carmona. You’ll be astounded, and shocked at what the Portuguese did… You’ll also be amazed… It may take me a few more days to finish it. I will try to have it out by month end. Some people in South Africa are also keen and waiting for it. I am enjoying it when I work on military videos.
I want to keep on rolling out these Race War videos because they’re very necessary, especially for us in South Africa. However, race war is the future. Look at how the blacks are busy burning down parts of one of your cities now, at the prodding of the Jews/Liberal filth. All this is on the basis of the endless Jewish media’s focus on the apparent crimes of white policemen shooting blacks. Its all nonsense of course. The real issue here that the Jews are aiming for IS THE BREAK DOWN OF LAW AND ORDER AND TO BREAK THE WHITE POLICE IN YOUR POLICE FORCES. Its very sickening. The parallels and tactics of the Jews and blacks in SA and the USA is quite striking.
Alex and I had a good interview. For the first time we did an interview with one of the leaders of a right wing organisation here. You will begin to see how some of the whites are doing things. You will be surprised by some of what you will hear. Alex was impressed by some things and said that in certain respects, we whites in South Africa had progressed further than whites in the USA’s right wing. That was a huge compliment.
You will be hearing other things from South Africa … things you’ve never heard before.
White Shop: Life Rune pendant
The Algiz Rune has been notoriously discussed as the life rune. It represents a world pillar with 3 branches upon it.