6 Pics: Real violence in South Africa today: Whites Flee – Police start killing Blacks in Hermanus


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There was a lot of violence in Hermanus in South Africa today. Its one of these coastal type towns where the wealthier whites go to retire. They tend to be Liberal. Well, today a nightmare visited them. The blacks tried to engage in a violent land invasion (exactly what President Ramaphosa had said would NOT happen!). On the weekend there had also been an attempted land invasion somewhere in Johannesburg.

But the one in Hermanus turned real violent. Blacks were burning stuff and later after dark gunfire started. The Police had used rubber bullets all day. But after dark then the real gun fight started. Apparently the Police began killing some blacks. From the voice message I got in Hermanus it doesn’t sound as if many blacks were killed. But the Police had no choice but to shoot to kill. It was so bad that there were whites beginning to flee from Hermanus this evening.

I’ve not seen anything on the Internet about it. But I got actual voice messages from there.

Here are some photos of the violence in Hermanus today:

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