EXPOSED: South Africa: Project 2019: Whites (Jews actually) to take back Political Power


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2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
This was a kickass Englishman I knew, who fought in Rhodesia and S.Africa. He ran a security company. He died under mysterious circumstances.

[In the above photo, the “white face” is really the Jewish face of Helen Zille who was the last “white” “Jewish” face of the DA. Now it has a black face, Maimane below.

There is a lot more to this than meets the eye. A Boer in Britain found this fascinating article on a black website. These blacks uncovered something by way of the white-hating black communist Julius Malema. What this black uncovered from what Julius said is true. The DA (Democratic Alliance) which is the most Jewish Political party in SA – created and run ONLY by Jews since its inception is the vehicle for this.

My Jewish friend told me about this in 2011-2012 before I booted his Jewish ass out of my life in December 2012. I kicked every Jew out of my life including my Jewish doctor.

The Jewish plan is really to get BLACKS to vote for their Jewish political party. I’ve raised this issue of tricking the blacks into voting for the DA in my videos in 2017 when I noticed the Super-rich and Jews gunning for Zuma. I also strongly urge the whites TO STOP VOTING FOR THE DA.

So the Jews put a black face on the DA including Maimane who is a black Christian married to a white woman who might or might not be Jewish. Below is the article where blacks discovered the Jewish plan thinking its a white plan when in fact its all totally Jewish. All the leaders of the DA from its inception to recently with the Jewess Helen Zille were Jewish. Maimane might not be Jewish … unless he is secretly a Jew. I suspect not.

Below are articles in the mass media. The Jews have been talking about this project for long via the Liberal Mass Media. This includes an article below in the Huffington Post. But the DA plan for 2019 is one that the Jews have been working on for almost 10 years it seems.

According to the blacks the Oppenheimers and Lord Renwick is involved including the super-rich Afrikaner scumbag Johan Rupert.

My own suspicion is that the DA cannot outperform the ANC. But what I HATE is that the DA is teaming up with the white-hating Julius Malema. He will be a key ally in the election next year.

In southern Africa 5 formerly white controlled countries: Angola, Mozambique, Rhodesia, South West Africa and South Africa have all fallen under black communist rule as a ONE PARTY STATE. Going back to Angola and Mozambique in 1975 when they gained independence, they have been ruled by the same communist party since then despite wars. NOT ONE BLACK COMMUNIST PARTY HAS LOST POWER IN SOUTHERN AFRICA SINCE 1975. I don’t believe the ANC will lose power next year. I would be surprised if they do. Cyril Ramaphosa has big potential among the blacks. If he wins support, the blacks will vote for the ANC. So the Jewish plan might yet flop. But they seem to be working very intensely on it. BIG MONEY is involved in this. DA is the party of BIG BUSINESS and JEWS.

Here are some other links you can read where the plan is assessed. But of course everyone considers the DA to be “white” and “Liberal/Multicultural” when in fact almost every Jew in South Africa and every Jewish business in South Africa supports and funds this thing:-

This analysis in the Business Day, an influential business website is skeptical as to whether the Jews (DA) can pull this feat off:

Here’s the black article where they talk about Julius Malema letting the cat out of the bag! Jan]

“2019 project” exposed, whites to take back political power

By BO Staff Writer

Julius Malema has unwittingly revealed a secret plan to give political power back to whites in 2019. The plan was designed in London and is funded by amongst others Johann Rupert, the Oppenheimer family and Lord Robin Renwick. The plan has been piloted with great success at the last Local Government Elections. Evidently it gained the racist party, the Democratic Allience (DA), some of the most strategic metropolitan cities including Johannesburg and Tshwane with the help of Malema’s Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF).

The revelation of the “2019 project” came out of an unguarded comment by Malema during the EFF press conference on Thursday afternoon. Malema was ranting about Helen Zille when he said, “but to allow her party [DA] to deteriorate this much, then she is no different from Zuma. She is compromising the 2019 project of removing the ANC.”

Analysts, who asked not to be named, said that Malema had revealed the “2019 project” unwittingly. According to these analysts, only Mmusi Maimane was to speak openly about “project 2019” to prepare his constituency for the EFF coalition in 2019. Malema was advised by London, according to the analysts, that he should not give the plan away of giving whites political power as this may cause black voters to turn against his party.

The further significance of the statement quoted above shows for the first time that Malema sees the DA as the main player in realising the 2019 project. Malema is becoming more and more erratic. According to sources, some people within Malema’s inner circles are worried about his capacity to stay the course. Earlier in the year, when he was pressed on twitter, he cracked and admitted that EFF would again give its votes to the DA in 2019. These gaffes by Malema may prove costly at the polls because blacks are not likely to vote to return whites to power.

The “2019 project” is aimed at giving political power to whites in 2019 using the same coalition arrangement which has surrendered the metros to the DA. Sources say that London is not happy with what they perceive as Malema being clumsy with sensitive information.


Here is the Huffington Post article who are keen to see the Jews take control:-


The DA’s Ambition To Take Control Of SA In 2019 Election Is Within Its Grasp

The best the ANC can hope for is to form a coalition government under Cyril Ramaphosa in 2019.

11/12/2017 11:46 SAST | Updated 11/12/2017 13:56 SAST

Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma (L) chats with Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa (R).

Following the 2016 Local Government Elections (LGEs) wherein the ANC lost Johannesburg, Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) and Tshwane, the DA has revised its target to attain state power in 2019. Initially, it had set the target to 2029.

The DA’s revised target is not farfetched. More so, given that the ANC has not only dwindled further to 54 percent, but that it has also lost the most populous Gauteng province, where its support stands at 46 percent. Gauteng holds sway on the state power, followed by KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape and Western Cape.

In KwaZulu-Natal, the ANC lost 7 percent between 2014 and 2016. While the ANC is very unlikely to reclaim the Western Cape from the DA, it would continue to govern six other provinces with drastically dwindled majorities.

Having lost the NMB to a DA-led coalition government, the ANC is also very likely to lose the Eastern Cape. Essentially, the LGEs are a sample of the general elections. In 2006, for example, the DA formed a coalition government with the now defunct Independent Democrats (ID) to govern Cape Town. In the next general elections, it won the Western Cape.

Regardless of who wins between Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa at the 54th ANC National Conference, which is set for another winner-takes-all outcome, the ANC will inevitably lose state power in 2019. The least a winner can do is to ensure that it does not lose by a big margin and mend its poor relationship with the smaller parties to bargain for the coalition government.

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

As seen in the neighbouring Lesotho, the U.K., and other parts of the world, the coalition government is increasingly becoming a global order and South Africa is not far off from this trend following the 2016 LGEs. The coalition government is a fragile affair that requires a principled leader who commands a great of respect from the opposition parties and the public at large to maintain a political certainty, which is important to lure foreign investors.

Generally, South Africans cannot bear another Zuma as the president, even if she is a woman.

The ANC’s relationship with the smaller parties is at its lowest ebb under Jacob Zuma. It is, for this reason, that ACDP, Cope, the IFP, and the UDM formed the coalition governments with the DA in Johannesburg, NMB, and Tshwane, as well as a few municipalities across the country with the EFF’s support. With these metropolitan municipalities under its co-governance, the DA is set to win the Eastern Cape and Gauteng in 2019.

As it stands, the DA is on a metropolitan par with the ANC. Both parties govern four metropolitan municipalities apiece. However, a metropolitan scale of power slightly tilts in favour of the DA, which governs the country’s economic heavyweights: Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Tshwane.

The ANC, on the other hand, governs the economic lightweights: Bloemfontein, Buffalo City, Durban, and Ekurhuleni. It retained the latter and Rustenburg through the coalition governments, thanks to the African Independent Congress (AIC).

If Dlamini-Zuma wins, the status quo — especially state capture under the pretext of Radical Economic Transformation (RET) — would remain the same and the ANC would lose by a big margin. Generally, South Africans cannot bear another Zuma as the president, even if she is a woman.

Former African Union chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

Before Zuma could anoint her as his successor, her alleged association with tobacco smugglers Adriano Mazzotti and Mohammad Sayed, and her populist rhetoric on land, RET, and white monopoly capital, Dlamini-Zuma used to command a great deal of respect from South Africans at large. She has lost that respect.

Adding insult to injury, rogue elements — most notably, former ANC national spokesperson Carl Niehaus who is a crook and a liar, and Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini — run her presidential campaign. This would make it difficult for the ANC to secure the coalition government with her as the president.

He is just a better devil than Dlamini-Zuma; not a leader that the ANC and the country need post Zuma.

If Ramaphosa wins, the ANC would lose the state power by a small margin. Despite his hands dipped in the blood of 34 mineworkers in Marikana, South Africans at large can bear Ramaphosa as president.

In him, though, Cosatu and the SACP, as well as the media — as they did with Zuma against Thabo Mbeki in the run-up to the 52nd ANC National Conference — are offering them a raw deal. He is just a better devil than Dlamini-Zuma; not a leader that the ANC and the country need post-Zuma.

With Ramaphosa as the president, the ANC may secure the coalition government with the aforementioned parties, except the EFF. This, however, would depend on how he deals with the state capture and revives the economy in the run-up to the 2019 general elections.

Without the EFF’s support, the ANC would certainly lose the state power. Cope and the UDM may not make it in Parliament in 2019. Even if they do, their impact would be infinitesimal.

Molifi Tshabalala is an independent political analyst.


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