Video & Audio: Why the White Right EVERYWHERE always loses to Jews & Blacks
This is an angry video. In this video I discuss the politics of the white right, and why we are heading down a loser path to being losers yet again despite our MASSIVE PROGRESS in recent years.
Here’s the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yR97dDQAAKc
20th November 2024: Bible Prophecy: I saw Boers sharing this video in Afrikaans today. This is the very common belief in South Africa among Afrikaners that Bible Prophecy is coming true and that the Boer Prophet Van Rensburg’s predictions are coming true. Decades ago, I was obsessed with these same things. I must have dedicated about 30 years of my life to seeing the world in a similar way. Back then the Russians had even more nuclear missiles and the Russians were armed to the teeth in a way that Russia isn’t any more. The Russians had hundreds of nuclear submarines. This guy says interesting things in Afrikaans and that he has done lots of videos and they are on Youtube. He says in 2009 he was warning that what is happening in the region would prove Van Rensburg true and that nuclear war would come because Russia would ally with China. I’ve not watched the full video, but it’s great that all this is on record because many people, especially these Suidlander types, are constantly adjusting and re-interpreting Van Rensburg. If he knows the future then there should be no need to re-interpret the future. I have the first little red book in Afrikaans written Adriaan Snyman back in the early 1990s. I read it from cover to cover about these predictions which I hoped would come true. It ends with Germany winning WW3 and the German army and the Boers meeting up at the small town of Prieska and then basically genociding all the Blacks and chasing all the Blacks out of South Africa and the Germans and the Boers go on to conquer Africa to the equator. I loved the idea, and I TRULY WISHED IT WOULD COME TRUE. IT’S AN AWESOME IDEA. However, this is not a reflection of reality. I have explained many times in articles, videos and even in a talk I gave in 2022 to Boers, that some concepts are WRONG. It is WRONG to assume that Russia and the USA are on an equal military footing. America IS the greatest military power on the planet. Don’t be fooled by America’s conventional capability. America’s high tech, nuclear stuff and all America’s high tech systems are incredible. NUCLEAR WAR WILL NOT HAPPEN IN OUR LIFE TIMES BECAUSE THE USA WILL NOT ALLOW IT. THE USA WILL STOP RUSSIA, IRAN, CHINA AND ANYONE WHO WANTS TO USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. AMERICA WILL STOP THEM DEAD IN THEIR TRACKS. Putin has threatened nuclear war many times. Now the Ukrainians are spitting in Putin’s face and ATACMS has been used on Russian soil. I assure you PUTIN HIMSELF KNOWS THE ODDS. HE KNOWS IF HE EXPLODES EVEN ONE NUCLEAR DEVICE THAT THE USA WILL HIT RUSSIA IN ONE DAY WITH A MAILED FIST. THE RETRIBUTION WILL BE INSTANT. PUTIN KNOWS THAT HE WILL GET HIS ASS KICKED IN AN INSTANT. I’ve explained before why I am totally skeptical about China as a super power. There are only 2 super powers on Earth: America and the European Union. The Europeans are slowly arming up. THE GREATEST MILITARY POWER ON EARTH IS CONTROLLED BY WHITES. THEY ARE WAY AHEAD OF EVERYONE ELSE.
Video: White Man Chat: Spanglish: How Jewish Hollywood Backstabs Whites & distorts the USA
We take a look at a movie called Spanglish, a very popular Hollywood movie that was created by Jews, and where the prime actor is a Jew. We look at how Jews put propaganda into a movie.