Video: Why are South Africans Stealing Traffic Lights?


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Video: WTA03: The White End Game: How Portugal and S.Africa almost conquered all of Southern Africa
In this video we look at the amazing plans of South Africa and Portugal to beat the Blacks in Africa. The results of their efforts still stand to this day, and nobody notices it.

[Note: Serpentza is a South Africa Jew. He fled to China in typical Jew style and then discovered that China was not what he thought. So he's a sort of Jew who now tells the truth (as it suits him). But he is an example of the typical South African Jew as we saw them and dealt with them. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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2002: Why Black People struggle
This is an article I wrote in 2002, which was published on an American website called Etherzone. In this article I‘m diplomatic and I‘ve written it for Liberal Americans.

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