South Africa dumbassed clown show: Electricity outages EVERY DAY now & daily Internet down


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Video: How the Church betrayed the Boers and is directly responsible for the White Genocide
This is an absolutely brilliant video that was made in 2017. The Boers were TOTAL believers in the Bible and in Christianity. It had kept them going through the hardships of life in Africa.

Just a note, in South Africa we are in "Load shedding Stage 4" – translation: Rolling electricity blackouts in order to cut the amount of power consumed or else the entire national grid will collapse. The grid has not collapsed since the late 1940s, and if the grid collapses, starting it would be a nightmare and nobody really knows how long it could take. e.g. weeks.

So they cut off power to entire suburbs on a rotational basis because there’s not enough for the country.

This is because goons, liars, thieves, the lazy and assorted crap run the nation.

Anyhow, I’m experiencing short daily outages of 2 hours at a time during peak time.

What is making it tougher, and this always plays into it, is rare cloudy weather. I suspect that when there’s cloud, it adds a lot of load to the dumb system because a *LOT* of businesses actually have solar power.

My own Internet provider is subject to the problems, but my internet provider is not bad. I don’t want to say too much about them because on the whole they’re actually among the best. But their resources are limited, and so when the electricity goes, the Internet also goes.

So just to let you know I am functioning at a slight disadvantage – and the cloudy weather affects my solar. Even so, I’m pretty proud of the fact that so far I’ve never yet had to switch on my generator (which uses fuel and thus costs a LOT more to run).

So despite the issues, I’m actually running daily, non-stop, despite electricity being out and Internet being out. Plus at times, these things go down randomly too! Or they change the schedules. But I must say, it’s been more than a year since I’ve had to switch on my generator. It might even be closer to 2 years. I really need to give it a test tun.

But this is just to let you know how things go when DIVERSITY and COMMUNISM and LIBERALISM and JEWS get in on the act.

Stay European! Stay strong! It’s the only way!

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