SA: BLACK COMMUNIST REBELLION against Black Jewish President Ramaphosa


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Video: Jewish Mind Games & Henry Kissinger
This is an analysis of Jews at work and their bold bullshit. I specifically discuss the Jew Henry Kissinger.

[This is fascinating. Its coming sooner than I expected. There was a story that alluded to this being something that is possible. This is good. This could be exciting. The black who wants to replace Ramaphosa is worse than Ramaphosa, but I would prefer this. This would destroy Jewish influence at the highest level. I'm keen to see if this pans out. I want to see the Jews and white Liberals DESTROYED. It will be good for the rest of the whites.

The ANC normally has a congress at this time of year, and they have kicked out presidents before like this. President Mbeki, who was BELOVED by the Jewish scum of South Africa, was ousted like this after he fired his deputy President, Zuma.
I've seen the impressive moves of the black communists in the past, and I hope they pull this off. I would love to see Ramaphosa sink. I greatly fear what a black Jew, who is backed by ALL THE JEWS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE SA, can do. So I would prefer it if the blacks sink him.
The black, Magashule, who wants to destroy him, is on the side of Zuma, who was ousted by Jew-backed Mbeki. I'd love it if they can take Ramaphosa down. If they're working with Zuma then its possible. Jan]

South Africa

Ramaphosa faces party bid to oust him over reforms, Citizen says

The anti-Ramaphosa faction wants Deputy President David Mabuza to become president, sources say.
Paul Richardson, Bloomberg / 9 December 2019 17:52


President Cyril Ramaphosa. Image: Waldo Swiegers, Bloomberg President Cyril Ramaphosa. Image: Waldo Swiegers, Bloomberg

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa’s opponents within the ruling party are plotting to oust him over reforms that they say are failing to benefit the poor, the Citizen reported, citing people it didn’t identify.

A campaign being led by African National Congress Secretary-General Ace Magashule aims to discredit him over economic policies that his opponents argue are supplanting the party’s pro-poor stance, the Johannesburg-based newspaper said.

The anti-Ramaphosa faction wants Deputy President David Mabuza to become president, deputised by either Magashule or Water Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, the newspaper said.

ANC spokesman Pule Mabe didn’t answer calls to his mobile seeking comment.

Magashule is an ally of former President Jacob Zuma, whose almost nine-year term was marred by a series of corruption scandals.


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18 Pics: RACE TRAITOR: Charlize Theron is a piece of shit! She is HATED INTENSELY in S.Africa!
She grew up in S.Africa, but now that she‘s a big star in Jewish Hollywood she is utterly disgusting. Look at these photos and you‘ll see what a total TRAITOR she is to Boere-Afrikaners.

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