S.Africa: Ramaphosa: SA concerned about AU move to grant Israel observer status


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South Africa’s Department of International Relations has accused the commission chair of failing to consult with member states before granting Israel’s request.

Eyewitness News | about a month ago

JOHANNESBURG – President Cyril Ramaphosa said that the continuing conflict in Palestine should have been enough to deny Israel "observer status" by African Union Commission chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat.

“We are concerned about the decision that has been made and as it is now, a number of countries on the continent are expressing their unhappiness and dissatisfaction,” said the president.

READ MORE: SA ‘appalled’ by Israel’s African Union observer status

South Africa’s Department of International Relations has accused the commission chair of failing to consult with member states before granting Israel’s request. The government said that granting Israel observer status was shocking following another year of it oppressing Palestine amid its ongoing illegal settlement.

Israel enjoyed this status until 2002 when the Organisation for African Unity dissolved itself to become the AU.

Ramaphosa said that South Africa remained opposed to the decision.

Source: https://ewn.co.za/2021/07/30/ramaphosa-sa-concerned-about-au-move-to-grant-israel-observer-status

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