S.Africa: Black Christian idiot says he loves Israel & Jews… refuses to apologise


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[I don't know what this nonsense is about, nor do I care. But he did say he loves Israel and Jews. Jan]

Chief Justice Mogoeng refuses to apologise for Israel comments: ‘There will be no retraction’

Jeanette Chabalala


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Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng.Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng.
Darren Stewart, Gallo Images

  • Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng says he will not apologise for his utterances over Israel.
  • Several organisations wanted him to withdraw his remarks and apologise to all South Africans.
  • But the Chief Justice says he will not apologise for being a Christian.

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Die Boere Staat Party
Van Jan: Dit is die ENIGSTE politieke party in Suid-Afrika wat ek sal ondersteun. Ek het hul leier ontmoet en ken hul geskiedenis. *ALLE* ander Politieke Partye in SA is ‘n totale mors van tyd vir Blankes. Hierdie politieke party gee om vir Blankes. Hulle s: Ons veg vir ons Volk se Vryheid en Veilige voortbestaan in die nuwe Suid-Afrika!

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