Natures LOVES White People: Nature favours the White Man


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Video: JEWS102: The Jewish Strategy Of Lying
This is an important video I made several years ago where I analysed the Truth vs Lies as a strategy.

[This is a note I wrote to someone about our situation as a race. Jan]

I wrote:
Here’s a simple statement. I’ll revisit this in many ways. But it is this: Nature FAVOURS THE WHITE MAN. Nature LOVES US. I’ll explain it in detail. We have nothing to fear as a race. Our problem is parasite overload and the fact that we’ve been TOO GOOD TO JEWS and allowed them to get totally and wildly out of control for CENTURIES. We don’t need Jews or anyone else, and we and Nature get along FINE. Nature, on the other hand, is ALWAYS TRYING TO KILL BLACKS. Look at them in every way. Nature is always busy killing Blacks. Nature also kills Jews a bit as well. But we as a race, have almost nothing to fear. WE ARE BETTER ADAPTED THAN ANYONE ELSE. We do anything, we live everywhere, we always survive – whether it is the insane cold of the Arctic or the heat of Australia. We do fine everywhere. Our problem is PARASITE OVERLOAD from PARASITES WE LET GET OUT OF CONTROL. And our parasites are useless. If we toss them off our body … NATURE will GET RID OF THEM.

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