Is the South African National Defence Force (army) preparing for a State of Emergency?


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Video: European Colonialism: How many Blacks did Whites kill? The MASSIVE Black Population Explosion
In this video I focus on the claim that whites just slaughtered and killed millions of blacks in Africa and I compare it with the actual population statistics of Africa.

[One of my followers spotted this one. Part of a communication indicating that the SANDF is doing workshops regarding a State of Emergency. This would not surprise me. The country is unstable. But I would not panic too much about this. I don’t think this should play into the “we will be exterminated” idea. The blacks have malicious intentions without needing a State of Emergency. Jan]

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Video: TOP SECRET: The Jew who killed S.Africas Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd
This is the GREATEST POLITICAL SECRET in South African history. This is the never before told story of the Jewish machinations behind the assassination of Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. This has been a secret for decades. Jews have made every attempt to hide this bombshell.

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