CoronaVirus Lockdowns: South Africa – Comments from an Australian…


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Here are some comments from one of our brothers in Australia lockdown. He wrote:

This is the biggest scam ever, far bigger than 119, the globalists are playing us, like the idiots we are. Like Jan said, in South Africa, there are 45-murders a day, this virus hasn’t even killed that many . In Australia, we’ve had a total lockdown, it’s not total, but everyone stays inside, they close church gatherings, but Queensland had to go vote, yesterday. We’ve only had 10-people died from it, but the normal flu kills 3500 people annually.

In Australia, we’ve had a total lockdown, it’s not total, but everyone stays inside, they close church gatherings, but Queensland had to go vote, yesterday. We’ve only had 10-people died from it, but the normal flu kills 3500 people annually. The whole world is responding in the same way to this virus, countries, who don’t value life at all, Africa, India beat people up, who go into the streets, I’ve been to Perth city today, a huge police presence, but no ambulances, luckily I’ve seen more cyclists than normal, but very few cars.

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