Charts: South Africa’s matric pass rate — official vs “real” from 1995 to 2021


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[Here is a detailed and careful analysis of the pass rates at South African schools. I suspect that there are factors not taken into account like the changing of the curriculum, etc. But even so, the numbers and the claims of the government need closer scrutiny. Jan]

Basic education minister Angie Motshega announced this week that 76.4% of matrics who wrote their final exams in 2021 had passed.

However, experts have said the education department’s emphasis on increasing the matric pass rate has come at the cost of declining standards.

Civil action groups have also warned that the official pass rate is beguiling as it disregards the high school learners who dropped out along the way — even those who registered for their matric exams but didn’t end up sitting the finals.

“Dropout should be a key performance indicator, serving as an accountability measure for the sector,” the Zero Dropout Campaign has stated.

The group also noted that young men had constituted a declining proportion of those writing matric over the last decade.

“For instance, in 2018, for every 100 young women writing matric, there were only 80 young men. Boys are dropping out at a higher rate.”

Advocacy group Equal Education has stated that the annual matric pass rate announcement is misleading fanfare that provides a poor indication of the overall health of South Africa’s education statement.

To better illustrate South Africa’s dropout problem, Equal Education prefers to use grade 2 and grade 10 throughput rates.

This provides a measure of how many grade 2 and grade 10 learners make it to matric and pass their exams.

We have also included the grade 12 throughput rate in the chart below. This considers how many matrics dropped out between registering for their exams and actually sitting for their finals.

While many of these will return in the next year to try and pass their matric exams, this statistic is not reported by the Department of Basic Education.

At this point there are charts. I suggest you read the rest here at the source link:

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