2003: S.Africa: Xmas Day: Black Man beats wife to death


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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

Date & Time Posted: 12/26/2003 3:08:09 PM
Xmas Day: Black Man beats wife to death

[Note. Soweto’s Baragwanath Hospital which was built only for black people by the former white government – is also the biggest hospital in the world. It used to also be a training ground for Doctors from Europe. They used to come here because apparently, the violence among the blacks in the townships produces injuries and situations rarely found in the First World.

A friend of mine once told me he saw a black man walking to Baragwanath, with an axe stuck in his head, and blood running down his face.

This event happened in a Pretoria township. Jan]

Pretoria – A man has handed himself to police following the death of his wife on Christmas Day, police reported on Friday.

Captain Piletji Sebola said the couple had argued on Christmas Eve. The man used a belt to assault his wife, hitting her on her body and head.

After the argument she went to sleep in the early hours of Christmas morning. Her husband grew concerned when she had not woken up by 16:00 that same day.

He and his brother took the woman to the Mamelodi hospital where she was declared dead on arrival.

The man reported the death to the police and was arrested.

He would face a charge of murder in the Mamelodi magistrate’s court on Monday.

Source: NEWS24.COM
URL: http://www.news24.com/News24/South_Africa/New
Source: https://archive.africancrisis.info/?p=102086

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