Zimbabwe: ZANU PF Begins Rigging The 2023 Elections – My Comments


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Blacks bring Cannibalism and Witchcraft to Britain
Here‘s a story from Britain. This is how the Whites are being enriched by Blacks from Africa.

[These black communists in southern Africa take POWER seriously. They will do anything to remain in power. They will engage in bloody civil wars and slaughter. They will NEVER give up power without an enormous fight.

ZANU PF the ruling party in Zimbabwe rigs elections and does anything it can so that it NEVER loses. And even when it does lose an election they lie about it and count the votes as they please. Jan]

The ruling ZANU PF party, known for its election rigging tactics has ordered its recently-elected District Coordinating Committee (DCC) members for Harare to start working towards ensuring that the party has a membership of five million people in the province by 2023.

Speaking at the graduation of the DCCs executive members who went through a one-week symposium at Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology, in Harare on Wednesday, the party’s National Political Commissar, Victor Matemadanda, said there was a mobilisation strategy which the DCCs should work towards achieving.

As of the 2012 census, the province has a population of 2,123,132, of whom an estimated 1,606,000 live in Harare proper, 365,026 in Chitungwiza, and the remaining 152,116 in Epworth. In total, Harare Province is home to 16.26% of Zimbabwe’s population.

“We have a mobilisation strategy as a party for mobilisation of five million members by 2023, so do not bring excuses, but work towards making sure that the target is reached,” he said.

“We are now sending you to go and mobilise masses and ensure that people are well aware of the party’s ideas. We are now sending you to mobilise those people that were traditionally perceived to be people we cannot work with.

“Mobilisation for the party should start earnestly.”

Matemadanda urged the DCC members to effectively fight corruption to consolidate the party’s vibrancy.

Chitepo School of Ideology principal Munyaradzi Machacha said President Mnangagwa had given a directive that the newly elected DCCs should not commence their duties until they were fully enlightened about the party’s ideology.

Source: https://www.zimeye.net/2019/11/08/zanu-pf-begins-rigging-the-2023-elections-party-wants-dccs-to-recruit-5-million-people-in-harare/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Zimeye+%28ZimEye+News+Update%29

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