Video: S.Africa: Evita Bezuidenhout: Half-Jew Cross-dressing Comedian: Evita’s Funigalore with Politician Pik Botha – My Comments


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In this article is a photo of a woman‘s son who survived a farm attack. Later he died. You may find this shocking.

[This is one of those weird things from the time of Apartheid and White Rule. The "woman" is actually a man, and his name is Peter Dirk Uys. He's a half-Jew – or TECHNICALLY an ACTUAL JEW. His mother was a German Jewish woman. Whites in South Africa, like America, tolerated some strange stuff when it came to actors, actresses, singers and other art. The character known as Evita Bezuidenhout, was really a White man, who dressed up as a woman and acted as a woman. He got lots of air time and was well known in SA. In this video he is actually speaking to a famous politician, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Pik Botha. This will give you an idea of how well respected "Evita" was in White South African society. His mother was Jewish, and by Jewish law, if your mother is Jewish then you are 100% Jewish. Jan]

This is what it says on Wikipedia about his ancestry and his mother:
Background and early life

Uys was born in Cape Town on 28 September 1945, to Hannes Uys, a Calvinist Afrikaner father, and Helga Bassel, a Berlin-born Jewish mother.[1] Hannes Uys, a fourth-generation South African of Dutch and Belgian Huguenot stock,[1] was a musician and organist in his local church.[2] Bassel was a German concert pianist, whom the Nazis expelled from the Reichsmusikkammer in 1935 as part of their campaign to root out Jewish artists.[3] She later escaped to South Africa and managed to take her grand piano with her, with which she taught her daughter, Tessa Uys (b. 1948), now a concert pianist based in London.[1][2][3] Bassel spoke little about her Jewish past to her children. It was only after her suicide that they discovered she was Jewish.[1][2][3] Uys and his sister had an NG Kerk upbringing and their mother encouraged them to embrace Afrikaner culture.[2][4][5]


Here’s the video:

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