Video: Die volgende moontlike oorlog in Europa: Turkye vs Griekeland: Erdogan eskaleer spanning in die Middellandse See
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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Life in Germany 1950s & Meeting the Japanese Right Wing
This is my first interview with Tom Metzger. We discuss his early life and how things led to him becoming involved in racial politics. We discuss his time in the US Army and when he was deployed to Germany for 2 years in the 1950s.
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Life in Germany 1950s & Meeting the Japanese Right Wing
This is my first interview with Tom Metzger. We discuss his early life and how things led to him becoming involved in racial politics. We discuss his time in the US Army and when he was deployed to Germany for 2 years in the 1950s.
[Dit is 'n potensiële oorlog wat ek kyk. Ek dink beslis hierdie een kan warm word. Jan]
Turkye se jongste maritieme ooreenkoms met Libië daag Griekse soewereiniteit oor die Egeïese eilande uit. President Erdogan belowe om die koers te bly ten spyte van Athene wat hulp van die VSA soek.
Hier is die Asiatiese beoordeling van hierdie situasie:
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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: Early Christians, Hitler, Napoleon & Global White Revolution
Tom and I begin by discussing the latest on Trump and the Jews and how the Jews are stabbing Trump in the back. We discuss early Christians and the bloody wars that were caused by Christianity where Christians killed Christians by the million in Europe.
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: Early Christians, Hitler, Napoleon & Global White Revolution
Tom and I begin by discussing the latest on Trump and the Jews and how the Jews are stabbing Trump in the back. We discuss early Christians and the bloody wars that were caused by Christianity where Christians killed Christians by the million in Europe.