Video & Audio: TOP SECRET: The Incredible Wealth of the Boers


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Photos: Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler
Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany.

Right-Click here to download the Video

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Everything that is really important in this modern age of the Internet, is hidden. The Mass Media is nothing more than a propaganda organisation for Globalists and high level scum. I show some film footage wherein a very important bombshell is quietly dropped by Bono after meeting the South African President Zuma. We take a little look at history and the incredible wealth, beyond all imagination that was stolen from the Boers.

This was recorded on 2023-01-06.

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Video: Hamas attack on Israel: Is this a Life or Death fight for the existence of Israel?
Some South African supporters of Loving Life asked for my opinion of this war in Israel and what it could lead to. This is my analysis of the Middle East and what I think about this war between Israel and Hamas. I also look at the Syrian Civil war and we take a look at ALL the Arab/Muslim nations from Egypt to Iran and what threats they might pose to Israel. I also discuss American and Russian military power in the region. Can the region go nuclear? I go into quite a lot of political and military analysis of this conflict.

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