Video & Audio: TeamWhite 2021 No 4: Rittenhouse & other sham trials & S.Africa’s Great Traitor FW De Klerk DIES!


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The Incredible Hero: David Irving - Truth Telling Historian
I have tremendous respect for David Irving. This British man did the most incredible work doing research and telling the truth about Hitler, the NAZIS and Germany. He‘s very old now. Download everything you can from his website and if possible buy his books and support him. This is the most incredible man to come out of Britain in modern times.

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Alex Linder was at his finest in this show.

This was recorded on 18th November 2021. Alex gave updates on a lot of important trials underway. We discussed the Kyle Rittenhouse trial and then the very important Charlottesville trial where Richard Spencer and Cantwell are fighting for their lives, along with some others. It seems Richard Spencer has taken some serious beatings in life and even financially. Cantwell is actually doing a marvellous job fighting back.

Alex and I discuss the Jewish involvement in these trials.

I discuss the recent death, on 11th November 2021, of South Africa’s GREAT TRAITOR, FW De Klerk. I talk about my discussions with President PW Botha who preceded FW and was ousted by the dirty duo, FW De Klerk and Pik Botha. We discuss the possibility that FW had his wife Marike murdered. I tell of PW Botha’s statements that a Jewish organisation paid FW De Klerk to hand over the country to the Blacks.

We had a lively discussion and will be back on the air soon.

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Video: WTA02: NATOs Secret Wars: How Portugal fought Blacks in Africa with NATO and US help
This video also contains the fabulous story of how and why West Germany was quickly admitted into NATO after WW2. In here you will see how different European nations are, compared to America and weak Britain.

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