THE FUTURE FOR YOUNG WHITES in America, South Africa & the West … The End Game…
Best Independent Website that monitors Russian Tank losses in Ukraine War
Oryx is a brilliant independent Dutch website that monitors lots of military losses including the losses of Russian and Ukrainian tanks. They ONLY count vehicles that they can get photos of and can prove that these are the correct vehicles that were destroyed. This link will take you to see the verified Russian tank losses and you can click to see the photos.
I do wish I could live to see the middle of the 21st century. Things will be really exciting and chaotic in all kinds of weird ways. There are so many indications of what the future is going to be like, and if Whites can just hold themselves together we could have a LOT OF FUN. Two countries that are going to be damned weird are: USA & South Africa. The rest of the West will be "mini" examples of the USA BUT NOT AS WILD AS THE USA. I really think the WILDEST COUNTRIES in the coming decades will be South Africa and America. America’s madness WILL INFECT EVERYONE ELSE, but SOUTH AFRICA’S MADNESS WILL BE UNIQUE BECAUSE WE ARE FURTHER DOWN THE ROAD. I am *CONSTANTLY* keeping an eye open for how can Whites break free in SA. The key to breaking free is to find a political platform that will work. There may be MULTIPLE possible platforms in S.Africa that could partly work. The KEY ONE though, is a BOERE VOLKSTAAT (Boer Reich) – which would obviously admit Whites who support the Boer Volk. The KEY EVENT for S.Africa must be the creation of this Boer Volkstaat. In America, as I’ve been delving into mysteries like the Boomers, the Elite, Jewish power, etc. In America, the White Americans, the NAZIS and RACIALISTS must HANG IN THERE. JUST HANG IN THERE EVEN IF YOU DON’T FEEL YOU ARE THE MAJORITY. Because, I think America will be very chaotic, and while many Whites might think the White Right cannot stand a chance in America, I am certain that things can be done. Re: Boomers and others: White Americans have been VERY VERY VERY BADLY FOOLED. WEALTH – AND MONEY – IS ENABLING ALL KINDS OF CRAZY THINGS IN AMERICA WHICH ARE NOT NATURAL. AMERICA IS GOING "FULL WEIMAR". It will last for DECADES. It won’t just be a few years like Germany. In America it will last for DECADES. You’ll see sheer madness in all sorts of ways. One of those methods of madness is MAGA itself. BUT IN THE END – EVERYTHING REVOLVES AROUND RACE. YOU CANNOT ESCAPE THIS. I’ve just finished a big video to be released tomorrow about what happens when you have 1,000 years of co-existence with Jews and hundreds of years of multiculturalism. It ends in a very ugly way. THAT IS GOING TO BE THE ENDING IN AMERICA later this century. It will be UGLY and the NAZIS and RACIALISTS must NOT BE FOOLED by the MADNESS that comes from: Liberalism+LOTS OF MONEY. Don’t be fooled by any of that. The end is going to be UGLY, and the END GAME … will be when the NAZIS and RACIALISTS CAN DIVE IN. In South Africa, we have a period of turmoil coming too which will be a mix of the super rich, liberalism, Blacks, etc – but the END GAME is open to the BOERS. Don’t worry about WW3. WW3 is not going to be a big deal. The REAL ACTION is inside the West. In Europe, Whites are going to get many, many chances to BREAK OUT. Those breakouts can be of various flavours. If Whites in the White Right can just hang in there in Europe, there will be MANY OPPORTUNITIES for NAZIS and RACISTS. The European action will be determined by the madness of America. America is the main game. BUT VAST NUMBERS OF WHITE AMERICANS HAVE BEEN FOOLED AND THEY HAVE BEEN FOOLED BY TWO THINGS: LIBERALISM AND MONEY. The money is mostly junk money, and the junk money can be printed for another 30 years before America is totally buggered. Between liberalism and money, Americans will be doing all kinds of crazy shit. The RICH, the SUPER RICH, the TRUMPS, will not be able to fix the problem. In the end, everywhere, THE WHITE MIDDLE CLASS WILL NEED TO ARISE WITH WEAPONS. That’s going to be the END GAME. In Europe, the White population is so numerous, that they can arise without weapons. Just protests, and mass action and mass politics can overthrow governments. We could even be entering an age of "democratic chaos". BUT THE END GAME – THE VERY END GAME IS NAZIS AND RACIALISTS. It’s still decades away … so don’t stress. DON’T BECOME DESPONDENT IN THE MADNESS. The MADNESS is PART OF THE BREAK UP AND COLLAPSE OF ALL JEWISH AND LIBERAL POWER. That is the way it works. During that tume all kinds of nutty things are possible like "Good Blacks", or "Money will solve all the problems" … but in reality life will become chaotic. The real chaos will come from INSIDE COUNTRIES and not from OUTSIDE countries. WW3 will be a silly WW and I’ll deal with that. The REAL ACTION is from INSIDE. WW3 will be completely different to what people think. It’s minor.
White Shop: Tigers in the Mud: The Combat Career of German Panzer Commander Otto Carius
He was physically small and often underestimated, but once he took command of his first Tiger he found his calling and worked his way up the chain of command from a lowly loader to company leader. His exploits on the Ost Front became semi-legendary, but unlike some of his more famous fellow Tiger aces (Wittman, von Strachwitz), he survived to tell the tale first-hand.