Video & Audio: #TeamWhite 2019 #4B: S.Africa’s richest White man & Jews: Rupert & his Rothschild Partnership


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Video & Audio: What Jews know about Whites & it scares them: Jews fear an American Holocaust & Jews
In this video we spend a lot of time watching Jews and listening to Jews and observing them. Youll get a chance to see and grasp what it is about us that bothers them. I also look at the way Jews talk about Europe or America and how they perceive the end of Europe or America. What exactly are they saying?

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Alex and I discuss Johann Rupert, and how the Ruperts got started. We also analyse and discuss blacks and non-whites, possibly related to (former president) Jacob Zuma, who started discussing WMC – White Monopoly Capital Scams. However, 90% of the WMC in this country is actually not WHITE but JEWISH!

We look into the partnership with the Rothschilds.

After the show, a South African friend told me that apparently one of the Rupert daughters married a Rothschild and that’s part of the linkage between these super-rich scum.

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A VERY comprehensive, detailed list of Jewish power Everything the Jews control in the USA
This is the most comprehensive and detailed list (with breakdowns and percentages) of Jewish power that Ive yet seen. This is stunning.

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