Video & Audio: #TeamWhite 2019 #4B: S.Africa’s richest White man & Jews: Rupert & his Rothschild Partnership


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2005: After White Farmers chased out: A Few White Farmers make Zambia BOOM!!
After Mugabe chased thousands of White farmers away, a few hundred went to other countries including Zambia. Those White farmers made entire countries BOOM!

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Alex and I discuss Johann Rupert, and how the Ruperts got started. We also analyse and discuss blacks and non-whites, possibly related to (former president) Jacob Zuma, who started discussing WMC – White Monopoly Capital Scams. However, 90% of the WMC in this country is actually not WHITE but JEWISH!

We look into the partnership with the Rothschilds.

After the show, a South African friend told me that apparently one of the Rupert daughters married a Rothschild and that’s part of the linkage between these super-rich scum.

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16 Pics: A Jewish Communist assassin stabbed S.African Prime Minister Dr Hendrik Verwoerd to DEATH!
Dr Hendrick Verwoerd was the Prime Minister of South Africa. He was *HATED* by the Jews and is regarded as the main creator of Apartheid. Apartheid was White Racialism whereby all Whites (Afrikaans and English) ruled SA together. Verwoerd was unquestionably the Greatest White leader in the history of SA. Jews had him killed.

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