Video & Audio: Israeli Military Intelligence and NSA spying on all Americans and the World!


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Photo: S.Africa: Desperate measures for dealing with Crime! A Home-made Lion!
This is a photo I got years ago. I think a Boer did this. I think, based on the photo, that this is definitely the work of a Boer.

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

I discuss spying on mobile phones and weird stories from South Africa. The show is with Frederick of BlackBird9 and the Hill Billy Professor. We compare notes on our knowledge of computers and our various experiences. Frederick had work in the US where he had secret government work.

This show was recorded on: 2024-03-09 which is George Lincoln Rockwell’s birthday! Heil Hitler!

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Video: Human Evolution: What are Jews and why they are VERY DANGEROUS!
We take a scientific look at Jews. I compare their behaviour to that of parasites that live on animals. I look at the behaviour of Whites and Jews in the same was that we would study the behaviour of animals, and we look at actual film footage.

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