Video & Audio: Big Pharmaceutical companies: How you can be sterilized without permission & more…


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2002: 60 of Blacks said life under Apartheid was better
This is a story from Britain on my African Crisis Archive. Of course life was better under Apartheid, but nobody wants to admit that White rule was better. In 2023, Blacks are still realising this truth, but few dare say it.

Right-Click here to download the Video

Right-Click here to download the Audio

We take a look at the testimony, of a top US General who was in charge of US Army Intelligence and was planning for future wars. He was extremely highly regarded by his peers. He talks about the creepy possibilities that food you eat, or vaccines you are given can make you sterile. He gives an example of 3 million women who became sterile without knowing about it or having given their consent to it.

He also discusses, what amounts to a war on farmers. The shutting down of certain types of produce for no explicable reason.

This general, who died in 2017, is, to my knowledge the highest ranking whistle blower on a number of topics.

This is also possibly linked to the UN’s Agenda 21.

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Lots of Photos: NAZI Gassings!!
This is a link to the Wayback Machine where you can see a wonderful old website with mountains of photos and articles about the enormous Jewish hoax of the holocaust. NAZIGASSINGS was a wonderful little website in it‘s day. You can still see many photos and stories on this page.

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