South African Election 2024: My Prediction for the next 5 Years: Blacks will dump the ANC and vote for Zuma


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Black Monday in 2017! The Biggest White protest about Farm Murders
128 Photos: The Day of White anger over Farm Murders! STOP KILLING OUR WHITE FARMERS!!! This was the biggest White protest in the history of South Africa. You‘ll be blown away by what Whites did that day!

Here’s my prediction for South Africa for the next 5 years until the next election takes place: The *FASTEST* growing political party in SA will be Zuma’s MK party. Blacks will abandon the ANC in droves. By the next election the ANC will be maybe half of what it is now, or maybe even less. Zuma the Communist Zulu will be back with a vengeance. The Jewish/Liberal victory will not last. Nor is this good for Whites. There is NO PLACE FOR WHITES, especially BOERS in South Africa. No place for Boers. None. The Jews and the Rich are just whoring around in this country, pretending Whites, especially Boers, don’t exist. The BLACKS did not vote for the DA. The Blacks hate the Jewish owned DA. They will abandon it in droves – by the millions. You’ll see how fast this will change.

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Video: S.Africa: Untold Story: When Whites tried to build tens of millions of houses for Blacks
In this video I show some private photos that I have and I tell the story of how many times Whites set out to build millions of houses for Blacks in South Africa even under Apartheid, and how the ANC ruling party was spiteful and how they DESTROYED the efforts of the Whites.

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