South Africa: 1992 Referendum: The Whites who voted yes… to continue negotiating with the Blacks (ANC)


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[One of my supporters sent me details of the referendum held on Whether Whites want the government to continue negotiations with the ANC. It was the only referendum before it was transferred to Black rule. The first results of Whites to proceed with negotiations came in from the village of Potchefstroom. I am not going to publish the names of the people who voted yes. However, below are comments from the message my supporter sent me. I think that's all we need to see. Jan]

This is what was sent to me:
Do you still remember the YES/NO referendum that was held on March 17, 1992! Do you remember what the YES supporters and politicians said what will happen if the NO vote wins!!!! In Potchefstroom there was ? so-called "Action Group-YES, we vote YES". The JA group published two full pages in the Potchefstroom Herald on Friday, 13 March 1992 to support and propagate the JAs. Do you remember what this group of YES voters preached!!!

The YES group claimed the following: “STATEMENT ACTION GROUP YES is very concerned about the outcome of the upcoming referendum. We consider it too important to leave to the politicians alone. We have the greatest respect for the political opinions of all people and are truly desirous not to step on anyone’s toes politically. We believe petty political aspects are added to the destructive results of ? Disguising a no vote. THE TRUTH IS BEYOND DOUBT THAT ? NO RESULT WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE SANCTIONS AND ISOLATION. THE RESULT OF THIS WILL NECESSARILY BE THE CLOSURE OF MINES AND FACTORIES, LARGE-SCALE LAYOFFS, ECONOMIC MISERABILITY AND THE COLLAPSING OF THE ECONOMY. ? FURTHER RESULT WILL BE THE COLLAPSE OF SOCIAL SERVICES SUCH AS SCHOOLS, PENSIONS, POLICE, HOSPITALS AND THE ARMY. RIOTS, VIOLENCE AND INCREASE IN SERIOUS CRIME WILL BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY.

Isolation in cultural, academic, technological and sporting areas will be complete and final. The undersigned, representing the wider community of Potchefstroom, identify themselves with the above statement of the JA ACTION GROUP. Nationally there were 1,924,186 (68.73%) who voted YES and only 875,619 (31.27%) who voted NO. Following their predictions and "concerns" of collapse, misery, uprisings, and violence, they were definitely clairvoyant as well as TRUE predictors of the future. They were successful with their YES action………

The signatures of the relevant YES voters that were published in the newspaper are alphabetically as follows, as originally compiled by G. Van der Merwe, Olenlaan 3B, Potchefstroom:

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