S.Africa: Why bitcoin may crack R1m this year – My Comments


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Video & Audio: Top Communist Jew: Ronnie Kasrils: Race War: Blacks might kill Whites but...
This is a small excerpt from a private meeting I attended in Johannesburg. The top Jewish communist, Ronnie Kasrils, was invited to a house by a Jew, to discuss his latest book.

[This is very possible. If you look at what Max Keiser in the USA is saying, Bitcoin might even go up in value to a few million Rand!!! BUT BEWARE, Bitcoin is very wild … so watch my video about Max Keiser's predictions and listen to where I discuss Down Averaging. That's the safest way I know to get into highly volatile things. Jan]


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Video: Xmas in Zimbabwe
This is the untold story of why Robert Mugabe drove the white farmers out from Zimbabwe. I did this for Xmas 2015 and it includes some humour and fun that we poke at Mugabe.

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