Video: Jan Lamprecht confronts Simon Roche of the Suidlanders on the Cantwell Show


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HORRIFIC STATISTICS: The Horror of Black Communist Rule in S. Africa since 1994
This is doing the rounds on a big scale here in South Africa among Whites. This will give you an idea of the horror of Black rule.

Right-Click here to download the Video

On 13th April 2018, Chris Cantwell invited me on to his show as a result of noise that I made on the social media regarding him interviewing Simon Roche of the Suidlanders.

In this video you will hear the very first time that Simon Roche and I have spoken to each other. This is the 44 minutes of me as the caller in to the show to confront Roche over issues to do with the Suidlanders.

The full 2.5 hour video of the entire show will be in the next video. This part is what I recorded from my end as I spoke to Chris and Simon.

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Video: The Great Jewish Mask: Part 1 The Jewish ass in the Lions Skin
NB: This video was banned off Youtube in December 2016. This is part 1 of the fabulous little book: The Great Jewish Masque, written in 1936. This little book makes a fascinating study (dont miss parts 5 & 6). The mysterious author of this was EXCEPTIONALLY well-versed in the history of the Middle East & the Jews. (Modern scientific research confirms most of what he wrote but well return to this later in the series).

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