S.Africa: Jews & Blacks: Malema caught in $1 billion (R14 billion) corruption – Do Jews win?


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2008 Report: Russian Generals Analysis of a Future (Terrible) South African Civil War
This is an article an awesome American supporter, JoAn Wilcox found on a Russian website in 2008 and she translated it into English. This was a Russian General‘s assessment of SA. He was not impressed with the Blacks.

[This is a fascinating story. Malema’s communists in the EFF were caught out stealing R2 billion from the VBS bank. Basically, black commies looted a black bank! They stole money from black customers. But an even bigger scandal is about to break out. This time, one of their front companies is being caught with R12 billion in corruption!

The DA is the main totally Jewish (((Liberal))) Political party in SA. Zille, who is Jewish, but faking it as a Christian, struck a deal with Malema. The black guy believes that the corruption expose will hit the EFF hard and that the DA will win big as a result. I’m not totally sure of that. Some blacks might not care that much. They’ll support their favourite communist anyway.

It is interesting watching how all these black companies are parasiting off the Govt tenders (which whites don’t have access to). Yet most of the personal income tax comes from whites. I think vast numbers of black companies would collapse if they did not have access to Govt coffers. I doubt they could survive a single day of genuine business. The whole thing is a mess. I’m very happy that the EFF has been caught yet again with its hands in the cookie jar. I’m also very happy that the Jewish/Black communist political arrangement is not working so well.

Every aspect of politics in South Africa is TOTALLY FAKE! Jan]

By The Black Eye

It never rains but pours for the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). Fresh from the VBS scandal that had parliament screaming “pay back the money”, the EFF in Tshwane is facing a new R12 billion scandal. This is basically VBS times six! The method of theft is the same as VBS and how the Limpopo finances were collapsed through corruption by Julius Malema and his friends.

At the center of the Tshwane scandal is the city manager, Moeketsi Mosola, who is also an EFF man. As you may or may not know, the EFF doesn’t officially enter into coalitions but only controls the tender levers from a distance. This is true for many municipalities and metros where it has given the Democratic Alliance (DA) political power. Mosola was imposed on the City of Tshwane by the EFF. They also have their man as the CFO in the City of Johannesburg. In this way, they can get the EFF-aligned front companies to get tenders.

It must be remembered that when the Tshwane mayor, Solly Msimanga, tried to suspend Mosola for corruption, the EFF pushed the African National Congress (ANC) to put a motion of no confidence against Msimanga. This forced Msimanga to back down and stop his attempts at suspending Mosola. In Nelson Mandela Bay, Trollip simply refused to back down and he was removed.

The R12 billion corruption in Tshwane has to do with a tender scandal associated with a company called Glad Africa Engineering. Remember On-Point Engineering in Limpopo?

This Glad Africa has somehow been given dominion over a R12 billion tender. Sources say this whole thing was contrived by the EFF through bullying and threats, but now the whole scam has caught up with Mosola who is desperately trying to stop the tabling of a report that shows how deep the corruption around Glad Africa is. Mosola has even approached the courts in a bid to stop the report into Glad Africa from being handed to council.

The gloves are off! It doesn’t look like the DA can continue to accept soft peddling around the EFF corruption in the metros. The DA’s own political survival in national politics requires that it capitalizes on the corruption of the EFF.

The Reds are in a corner. They can no longer threaten the DA with motions of no confidence. The DA will now say the EFF has gone back to the arms of the ANC to continue corruption together. How does EFF explain the story of the “better devil”, if on account of accusations of corruption it seeks refuge in the same ANC it said was more corrupt than the DA? This means the DA will have free reign to enjoy the support of the EFF at metro level whilst walloping it in parliament.

It looks like the Malema and Zille deal has come back to haunt the EFF.

Mosola has run to the Labour Court on an urgency basis to try to stop the tabling of a preliminary report which, as our sources say, shows that R12 billion was looted in similar ways to the VBS scandal. Mosola has asked the Labour Court to stop the Council to table the report and the matter be heard Thursday, the day scheduled for the tabling of the report on Glad Africa corruption.

It looks like Malema will have to call another press conference and try explain the story of the R12 billion tender fraud! He will also have to explain why he is opposed to suspending a city manager who is so deeply implicated in corruption.

The corruption of the corrupt ‘anti-corruption’ crusaders has come back to bite them during election season. Will the Labour Court give Mosola and EFF a breather or will the nation know the extent of the corruption in Tshwane this Thursday?

Source: https://blackopinion.co.za/2018/10/24/eff-faces-r12-billion-scandal-tshwane-similar-vbs/

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Former Rhodesia: Mugabe rampage leaves 1.5 million Blacks homeless 30,000 arrested
When Black leaders do enormous things, Jews and Liberals never criticise them. The scale of what Mugabe did was incredible, but no Jew or Liberal ever screeched about it.

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