S.Africa: It is time for Whites to pay reparations to Blacks – We whites have a huge debt to pay, but how? – My Comments
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Expropriation Bill: The Government can seize your property without paying you for it
This organisation is fighting the Government in court over this bill. You can support them.
Expropriation Bill: The Government can seize your property without paying you for it
This organisation is fighting the Government in court over this bill. You can support them.
[What a load of crap. Truly. This is where Liberalism takes you. Liberalism … love of money … love of trading … spending too much time listening to Jews and Communists. This was written by a White woman. So pathetic. Such garbage. This was written by a high ranking woman at the newspaper RAPPORT – which is Afrikaans. Jan]
I can’t post the article here. But there is a link. You can read this claptrap at the link:
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Deutsche Bcher ber Juden, Hitler und NAZIS
Es gibt viele Bcher auf dieser Website und einige scheinen sehr neu zu sein. Sie diskutieren offen ber die Juden, Hitler, die SS usw.
Deutsche Bcher ber Juden, Hitler und NAZIS
Es gibt viele Bcher auf dieser Website und einige scheinen sehr neu zu sein. Sie diskutieren offen ber die Juden, Hitler, die SS usw.