Video: Electricity Collapse: Stupid useless Black Communist South Africa: Lots of management shuffling – My Comments


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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: UFOs, Germans in Antarctica; Vietnam War & much more!
We began our chat with me discussing military secrecy and a video I did called: How America built UFOs which really is about military secrecy.

[All this management crap results in nothing. One moron and fool is replaced by another moron and another fool. I've seen enough of these systems, and I saw lots of them in the corporate business world. It's all stupid crap. It leads nowhere. Whites are wasting their lives dealing with these Blacks. We need to strike out on our own and get our own independence. Jan]

Here’s some TV news from South Africa with these weak Liberal White women on TV:

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Video: NEW! DNA Proof that Jack the Ripper was a Polish Jew & Jewish Lies about Lewis Carr
Here is the final DNA proof as well as actual photo of the Jew who was Jack the Ripper and the horrific story of this evil, hate-filled Jew. The Author of Alice in Wonderland was a very clever Englishman who was on to the Jews.

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