PDF: English translation from Bulgarian: No one has died from the coronavirus Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association
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[Below is the article, and below that is the full PDF that you can download. Jan]
Here’s an interesting article: https://off-guardian.org/2020/07/02/no-one-has-died-from-the-coronavirus-president-of-the-bulgarian-pathology-association/#comments
Here’s the English translation from Bulgarian: https://off-guardian.org/wp-content/medialibrary/Alexov-webinar-transcript.pdf?x19699
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Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: Early Christians, Hitler, Napoleon & Global White Revolution
Tom and I begin by discussing the latest on Trump and the Jews and how the Jews are stabbing Trump in the back. We discuss early Christians and the bloody wars that were caused by Christianity where Christians killed Christians by the million in Europe.
Video: Tom Metzger & Jan: Discuss: Early Christians, Hitler, Napoleon & Global White Revolution
Tom and I begin by discussing the latest on Trump and the Jews and how the Jews are stabbing Trump in the back. We discuss early Christians and the bloody wars that were caused by Christianity where Christians killed Christians by the million in Europe.