Melbourne, Australia is getting bad; like the White Farmers in South Africa..
Video: Zimbabwe: Goblins are attacking Blacks and forcing schools to close
Here‘s a White guy in Scotland who is realising the insanity that can happen in Africa. He can‘t believe what he is reading and it is in the mass media.
[While going through messages on my website, I got this from an Australian. There are leftists in every white nation busy ripping it apart from the inside. In this case he mentions Melbourne, Australia. Jan]
Hi Jan,
I first noticed your videos on the problems white farmers in South Africa are having from the tara mccarthy video.
I have a few friends in south africa and they have told me stories and It’s depressing to say the least.
I was in Melbourne, Australia recently and they have a bad situation there also. Not as bad as in south africa but it is growing.. The state government is very left wing and is bringing in a lot of Sudanese “Refugees” who are given welfare, housing, money, healthcare and more and still rob and stab white people and tourists on a daily basis and when the people of Melbourne demand they get deported or put in prison, the leftist nutjobs say it is racist. This liberalism is a global disease where white people think they must destroy themselves.
As someone who does not live in South Africa but wants to help out the white farmers any way he can, what would you suggest someone like me can do to help?
Best wishes,
Video & Audio: The Military Mystery of why Ukraine Invaded Kursk in Russia
Nobody, not even military experts can explain exactly why the Ukrainians invaded Kursk in Russia. All the reasons that are given are minor and do not in any way really explain why the Army and the Government would throw their best troops into fighting for this Russian area that has no value.