Map of Human Suffering: Whites were RIGHT! – Jews & Liberals lied about Africa…


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Video: What Adolf Hitler said about the Boers
I decided to look in Adolf Hitlers Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to see what he said about the Boers. Few know of his obsession with the Boers when he was a young man. In Mein Kampf I found many references which indicated that Hitler had a knowledge even of the black tribes that live in South Africa.

[For decades after White rule ended in Africa, the Jews and Liberals lied about Africa and said it was doing great, and even better than under White rule. We Whites who lived here, consistently said that Africa was going backwards and life was getting worse, even for the Blacks. The Western world, pumped over $50 billion into Africa by the early 2000s, and probably tens of billions more since then. Even so, this map of Human Suffering will show you clearly that Africa is worse than any other place on the planet. That Black Rule was a huge failure … just as we Whites here predicted and warned. Jan]

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Video: Whites: Power Politics: How to have tea with the Queen
The vast majority of Whites don‘t understand how POWER really works. This is an introduction to power politics and how the world REALLY WORKS.

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