Video: Africa: Blacks complaining no news coverage of African Wars! – My Comments


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18 Pics: RACE TRAITOR: Charlize Theron is a piece of shit! She is HATED INTENSELY in S.Africa!
She grew up in S.Africa, but now that she‘s a big star in Jewish Hollywood she is utterly disgusting. Look at these photos and you‘ll see what a total TRAITOR she is to Boere-Afrikaners.

[Well, these Blacks are busy whining about White hypocrisy or racism or whatever junk they think it is. But in the process, these Blacks are ADMITTING that large wars are under way in Africa. Of course the ARMIES are nothing like what you're seeing in Ukraine, but ENORMOUS MASSES of BLACKS are FLEEING. Hehehehe. So here you see, out of the mouths of Blacks that Black Africa has lots of WARS …. and of course … Whites did not start this. These are BLACKS fighting with other BLACKS and Whites had no part in this. Very funny actually. And of course, Blacks are responsible, Blacks are STUFFING UP their supposed freedome from those evil White colonialists. How funny. I can't help but laugh to myself. So just to show you, the Jewish Liberal claptrap about how WONDERFUL Africa is under Black rule … is pure garbage. Here you hear it out of the mouths of the crybaby Blacks … and of course …. WHITE RACISM is the real problem … apparently. These people are such children I tell you. Just like the Jews. Jan]

Here’s the video:

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S.Africa: 3 Blacks die after raping a crocodile on the instructions of a WitchDoctor!
I found this story doing the rounds on the social media among whites. I dug into it. The original source for this is used to be one of the best and most reliable Zimbabwe news websites for years.

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