In 100 Years there could be more Blacks than all the other races put together…


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Video & Audio: Jew Shock: When Whites go Wonky!
When you learn about the Jews it really shocks your system. I discuss nutty ideas on the White Right & how nobody was nuttier than me. But this nuttiness is good news. Whites are DISCONNECTING from the Jew World Order. Its time to dump it.

[This is something I posted to some folks who were discussing the fact that Whites are constantly feeding "starving" Black Africans. Jan]

I wrote:
The more you FEED THEM THE MORE THEY BREED. In SA Blacks just have babies – like crazy. This is how it really works. A Black mother then has a sick Black child. She then walks to a Doctor and tells him she doesn’t have money but she wants medicine for her child. Then she gets it. This goes on ALL THE TIME. I’ve also seen MANY BLACK WOMEN begging at traffic lights for money for their children. These people have no conception of responsibility and they parasite off us ALL THE TIME. ALL THE TIME and they JUST KEEP BREEDING MORE. So if you feed 1 million Black children now, then in ten years time you’ll need to feed 5 million Black kids and so it goes. There are almost 2 BILLION BLACKS IN AFRICA. In 50-100 years there could be more Blacks than ALL THE RACES PUT TOGETHER. This is INSANE. Ben Klassen referred to THE BLACK PLAGUE. So true. But WE created the plague. This plague is hideous.

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Video: Blacks massive wastage, massive inefficiency: Why Africa Wasted $1.4 Trillion in Foreign Aid
Africa is the richest continent on Earth. In fact, it is richer in minerals than the whole world combined. Yet these useless Blacks have received more food, medicines and AID than any other place on Earth. Their levels of wastage and failure are unbelievable.

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