Have I been quoting a British Jew on my website???


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VIDEO: BIG RUSSIAN LIES: How many Russians have died in the Ukraine war?
Putin and the Russian Government tell insane lies about how many Russian troops have died. In this comprehensive article and this short BBC video you will see the best estimates I can give based on all the data I have seen about how many Russian and Ukrainian Troops have actually been KILLED up to 16th June 2023.

I posted an interesting WW2 story the other day from a "British Historian". And I found the story interesting. But the guy I was quoting is someone whose videos I had watched on Youtube for quite some time. And his videos about Africa were quite accurate, because he even spoke about White South Africans accurately.

So a British guy who has a website wrote me quite an angry email saying: But you are quoting a British JEW!!!!

I had done my checks to see if I am quoting a Jew and the guy did not look like a Jew and his attitude seemed ok. I had watched a good number of his videos.

The Brit pointed out the guy has a possible Jewish surname, and I checked and this could be so.

I found his biography but no mention of being Jewish.

However, I had to admit he’s written a LOT of books and he is published on many websites that would be regarded as liberal, and so it has made me wonder.

Plus he is on JEWTUBE… without a problem whereas everyone else has been kicked off.

So I think the Brit might have a point … I might just have been quoting a Jew.

I will go through the British guy’s input and will publish it. I don’t want to quote Jew rats here on my website.

So I thought I’d found a decent White guy in Jewish Britain … when in fact … maybe I just found a JEW in JEWISH BRITAIN!!!

That’s very sad really. Where the hell are the White British???

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Get a Free PDF Book: Did Six Million Jews really die in WW2?
This is a classic pamphlet that was written decades ago. This was one of the first serious attempts to question the Jewish holocaust claims of WW2. The German Ernst Zundel went to jail for printing this small book in Canada! Zundel did not write this. This was written by someone in Europe. The original questioning of the Jewish holocaust began in Europe. It was a French professor who had been in a Concentration Camp during WW2 who realised that Jews were making claims that were not true. That is how people slowly began to question the Jewish holocaust story.

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