ANTI-WHITE IDIOTIC BLACK RUN South Africa wants Saudi Arabia to help with load shedding


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Video & Audio: S.Africas 2nd Last (Boer) President: PW Bothas Last Public Interview (2006)
PW Botha is a Boer who became the 2nd last President under Apartheid. He was the man most responsible for the immense, first class military force known as the SADF. The SADF was the most powerful military force in all of Africa.

[We don't need anyone's help. The real issue is that Blacks fired the WHITES who were doing everything properly. Jan]

South Africa wants to attract investment and developments from Saudia Arabia that can assist in domestic energy challenges, says Ebrahim Patel, the minister of trade and industry of South Africa.

Speaking to SABC News ahead of the 9th session of the South Africa-Saudi Arabia Joint Economic Commission (JEC) in Pretoria this week, Patel said that government thinks there is an enormous opportunity on the energy front to do deals with Saudi Arabia.

“Saudi Arabia has been investing in renewable energy as a significant part of moving away from an oil-based economy…the opportunity is in these discussions to try and see how South Africa can have and attract more investment from Saudi Arabia.”

The minister said that the biggest immediate challenge to international trade is South Africa’s energy supply, which needs to be made more stable. He added that in regard to renewables, some Saudi Arabian companies are already in discussions.

South Africa’s national power utility Eskom has plagued the nation with rolling blackouts, disrupting business and livelihoods. According to the popular load shedding notification app, EskomSePush, as of the start of this week (3 October), the country has experienced the equivalent of 81 days of national load shedding so far this year.

This is already higher than what was recorded over the whole of 2021 (48 days) and 2020 (35 days). Stage 3 load shedding will continue this week.

According to Patel, South Africa’s major offerings to the middle eastern country include vast quantities of citrus and other agricultural goods alongside automobiles, of which the country is a large exporter.

Exports from South Africa to Saudi Arabia amount to R5.5 billion, while imports reach R60 billion. The government would like Saudi Arabia to join in the $65 billion of foreign investment that flows into the country.

The Saudi Arabian Minister of Energy Akram Jadawi told the SABC that the region is also exploring gas. He said it will continue having a dialogue with South Africa and help it resuscitate its energy sector.

“Definitely, when it comes to energy, we have South Africa on the top of our priorities, we are both members of the G20 countries, and we complement each other.”

“There is lots of potential, lots of opportunities, and there are a lot of hanging fruits, and we are trying to seize these opportunities. We talked about signing a memorandum of understanding on renewable energy. This is one of the trends around the globe to reduce carbon monoxide, and we in Saudi Arabia are very much active in that.”

Stravos Nicolau, a co-chair of the SA-Saudi Arabia Business Council, said that in the upcoming discussions, there would be a significant focus on energy and other renewable energy sources.

South Africa’s shift to renewables

South Africa has been pushing for the procurement and development of major wind and solar farms. This follows the introduction of President Cyril Ramaphosa’s energy crisis plan that sought to fast-track such kinds of developments and allowed for independent power producers.

Eskom, however, has fallen short in adding renewables. According to Business Leadership South Africa CEO Busi Mavuso, only three projects outlined in the country’s renewable produce program have reached financial close.

She said that government delays, corruption and red tape have all contributed to this failure. Mavuso added that with the global demand for renewables picking up, it might be a little too late for South Africa.


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Video: Orania: The Afrikaner city on its way to freedom! (English subtitles)
These are good people. I was there in 2010. They‘re expanding and looking for more people to go there. Jan

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