American George Lincoln Rockwell’s quote on HATE & JEWS…
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Video: When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates
This is the incredible story of the bravery and boldness and determination of the bad-assed man we know as the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This is what happened to him when he was a young man.
Video: When young Julius Caesar was kidnapped by Pirates
This is the incredible story of the bravery and boldness and determination of the bad-assed man we know as the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. This is what happened to him when he was a young man.
[A carefully hidden secret is that the Jews murdered him too, just like they did Dr Hendrik Verwoerd. Jan]
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Get a Free PDF Book: The Naked Communist (1958)
This is a classic book. Cleon Skousen worked for the FBI. At a point in his life he began following the trail of communism in America. To his utter horror, he discovered that it led to businessmen and the wealthy.
Get a Free PDF Book: The Naked Communist (1958)
This is a classic book. Cleon Skousen worked for the FBI. At a point in his life he began following the trail of communism in America. To his utter horror, he discovered that it led to businessmen and the wealthy.