Why Whites should remain separate from Jews & Blacks – My Comments from Africa
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In Norse mythology, Mjolnir is the hammer of Thor, the Norse god associated with thunder.
[Some Americans were discussing violence against whites in the USA. The one man commented about the need for whites to remain separate. I added some comments of my own. Jan]
I can confirm from living in Rhodesia and South Africa that the nature of the other races never changes. In fact, when given POWER they do even more things that whites don’t like. Whites find themselves living in a state where almost everything goes AGAINST WHAT THEY WANT and they get ever more irritated … but having lost political/military power they are unable to stop things.
Though … secretly in South Africa … whites, especially Afrikaans ones … do have some measure of “influence” in various ways … and that’s the only means by which things do not totally collapse.
Furthermore, being small compared to the USA and Western Powers, they too have some measure of influence over the radical blacks to try to moderate them.
When the USA and other Western nations go down, there will be no higher powers to moderate. But that’s not all bad either. Race war, may actually be preferable to political actions. I’m a big believer that race WAR is BETTER … in the long run.
Richard wrote:-
This is why you remain a separate people, that means no Negroes and no Jews (not even so called nice ones). Negroes are gonna be Negroes and Jews are always gonna be Jews (and Negroes
- • 2 days ago • editedHad it been a pack of feral whites attacking a black man, it would have been a “hate” crime from the get go and the news story would have repeatedly pointed out the race of the attackers and the race of the victim. ….But…….
yup Lance1234 • a day ago • editedAccording to liberal democrats.
White on black crimes = hate crime
Black on white crimes = just a crime
poetcomic1 yup • a day ago • editedBlack on white crime…NOTHING. A young black male here in St. Louis brutally stabbed to death two lovely young white women who lived in a ‘rehab South St. Louis neighborhood. He said he did it because ‘they did not make him feel welcome’. Think about that for a moment as a motivation. The St. Louis media hung wreaths of garlic around their collective necks and drove a stake through THAT story. It is beyond belief how this passed ‘under even the local radar’ it was so racist, vicious and really really gory. But ‘they’ would rather you not think about THAT.
realityanvil poetcomic1 • a day agoGoogle Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom. No hate crime charges filed in that double carjacking/kidnapping/rape/torture/murder either. It lasted 5 hours.
gman realityanvil • a day ago • editedNo description of the suspects needed as their names say everything we need to know.
pablosodahead gman • 21 hours agoMaybe so, but you can see who and what they are. ANIMALS.
Dogandcat pablosodahead • 20 hours agoNot animals. Beasts.
yneemee Dogandcat • 18 hours agoNot beasts… ghetto thugs
Rob Dogandcat • 17 hours ago • editedIf the federal prosecutor in that district DOES NOT file hate crimes against everyone involved, we need to start a national drive to force his/her resignation and replacement with a federal attorney who will. As a white person, I DEMAND SOME F*******G JUSTICE AGAINST THESE ANIMALS!!! And black people get offended when white people quietly and slowly move away from groups of them???
Hy Feiber Dogandcat • 17 hours agoWith the conscience of a crocodile.
Brian gman • 20 hours agoIn particular, Boris Likuwa Lusumbo says “Somali refugee” doesn’t it? Import people from lawless countries and this is what you’ll eventually end up with.
Mort Meek Brian • 18 hours agoIlhan Omar campaign staffers letting off steam????????
John Truman Mort Meek • 14 hours agoPlanting 80K Somali tribesmen in MINNESOTA was a criminal act of treason and racial conquest.It is the shameful, Anti-American legacy of Barack Obama.
He betrayed America and undermined American sovereignty, security, and peace.
Our cities are becoming African. No more free money for African pandemonium!
realityanvil John Truman • 13 hours agoThat sounds suspiciously like Ethnic Cleansing against Americans.
Meribah Brian • 18 hours agoThat’s what you get for taking in the tired, the poor,
the huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse of Somalia’s teeming shore.
scott Brian • 17 hours agoThey CAN’T assimilate
realityanvil scott • 16 hours agoThey WON’T assimilate. That’s the difference.“Give me your tired of working, your poor planners,
your muddled asses yearning to get free-bees… NOT.
John Truman realityanvil • 14 hours agoWe teach our kids that everyone is the same. Everyone is our neighbor, etc. etc. That we should help everyone and totally deracinate ourselves.They teach their kids that we are their racial, tribal enemy. That we are prey. That we are an obstacle to their dominion.
The left’s Cult of Racial Sameness is a death cult for whites worldwide.
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