Video: S.Africa: Jagersfontein: Dam Wall Burst | 1 dead, hundreds displaced
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100 Reasons the Jew Leo Frank Is Guilty of murdering the White Girl Mary Phagan
The Jews will never stop lying about and defending the filthy Jew Leo Frank. He raped and murdered this lovely young White girl. The White Americans, to their credit LYNCHED him hanged him from a tree. It was a wonderful example of Whites hitting back.
100 Reasons the Jew Leo Frank Is Guilty of murdering the White Girl Mary Phagan
The Jews will never stop lying about and defending the filthy Jew Leo Frank. He raped and murdered this lovely young White girl. The White Americans, to their credit LYNCHED him hanged him from a tree. It was a wonderful example of Whites hitting back.
Here’s a news video about it:
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Video & Audio: The Military Mystery of why Ukraine Invaded Kursk in Russia
Nobody, not even military experts can explain exactly why the Ukrainians invaded Kursk in Russia. All the reasons that are given are minor and do not in any way really explain why the Army and the Government would throw their best troops into fighting for this Russian area that has no value.
Video & Audio: The Military Mystery of why Ukraine Invaded Kursk in Russia
Nobody, not even military experts can explain exactly why the Ukrainians invaded Kursk in Russia. All the reasons that are given are minor and do not in any way really explain why the Army and the Government would throw their best troops into fighting for this Russian area that has no value.