S.Africa: White Males: Depression and Suicides especially among Afrikaans men
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2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
This was a kickass Englishman I knew, who fought in Rhodesia and S.Africa. He ran a security company. He died under mysterious circumstances.
2006: Norman Reeves: I can solve S.African crime in 6-weeks!!!
This was a kickass Englishman I knew, who fought in Rhodesia and S.Africa. He ran a security company. He died under mysterious circumstances.
I was chatting today to a young Afrikaans man I know who does counselling to Whites for suicide. He was telling me things are crazy. If you think a farm murder of 1 farmer a week is a lot. That’s nothing. He said in SA 23 people commit suicide every day and most of them are WHITES and they are mostly WHITE MALES. And he said that White Afrikaans Males are the ones committing suicide the most.
I’ll get more info on this.
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S.Africa: GOD ORDERED IT! Exterminate the Blacks: Harry Knoesen and the Crusaders
I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time. A lot of what happened, also happened on the phones, and clearly the videos and audios are now in court.
S.Africa: GOD ORDERED IT! Exterminate the Blacks: Harry Knoesen and the Crusaders
I‘ve been waiting for this for a long time. A lot of what happened, also happened on the phones, and clearly the videos and audios are now in court.