S.Africa: Farm murder of Jason Winrow (47), accused gets life sentence
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[These sentences don't mean much. they are let out of prison early. Jan]
A 32-year-old suspect, Odwa Jim Ntlangani was sentenced to undergo life and 35 years sentence for murder, robbery, attempted murder, stock theft and Possession of stolen property cases that were committed in East London between 2016-2017. The deceased, Jason Winrow (47) was shot several times while he was about to enter his his yard at Dongwana Farm in Bluewater area, Mooiplaas.
After the shooting, the culprits took a bottle of klipdrift brandy, a brown leather wallet and his cellphone a Samsung S6 before they vanished with his Toyota Legend 45 club cab.
During the investigation police arrested a suspect at Phillipi area in Cape Town where he took them to Weltevreden next to Mitchells Plain and pointed where he had to cut the bakkie into pieces.
While investigating the case extra charges of attempted murder, stock theft and possession of stolen property were added through the assistance of second suspect.
The trial took place at East London High court and he was sentenced as follows:
Count 1: Stock theft: 3years
Count 2: Attempted Murder: Acquitted
Count 3: Possession of firearm:5 years
Count 4:Poss of Ammunition:2 years
Count 5: Robbery aggravating circumstances:15 years
Count 6: Murder: Life imprisonment
Eastern Cape Provincial Commissioner, Lt Gen Liziwe Ntshinga commended the outcome. We are delighted with each and every sentence of a stock theft suspect. With each suspect we are winning the fight against stock theft, she added.
Read about more farm attacks here
South Africa Today – South Africa News
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