Video: Boer Farmer Pledges To Die Fighting If Ramaphosa or Malema Try to Expropriate His Farm


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Video: JEWS DID 911: World Trade Center Building 7: Foreknowledge of Collapse with Dr MacQueen
In this video you‘ll see how everyone knew WTC7 was going to collapse. The only thing missing from the video is that the JEW SILVERSTEIN admitted that he gave the ORDER to bring it down!

[These arrogant black scum who run this country need to hear more messages like this from Boers and any other whites who have balls. We must tell these blacks… come and steal our shit you scum … and you’ll pay the price. Its time whites begin pulling the plug on the blacks and sending their ship to the bottom. If you want to take us down … we’ll be taking you down too. Jan]

Activate subtitles for English. (Click CC below right of video)
A Boer farmer from Limpopo Province in South Africa has publicly pledged on Facebook that he will die fighting if Cyril Ramaphosa or Julius Malema try to expropriate his farm without compensation.

He even discussed it with his family and has made peace with his Creator and is ready to die fighting…


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Video: WW3 Analysis: Russia, China, etc: Jans High Level Strategic Analysis as at: October
In October 2022, I gave a presentation in South Africa to prepper group of Boers at the request of their leader.

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