Video: Beyond Black and White: A breakdown of different race groups in SA
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Photos: Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler
Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany.
Photos: Adolf Hitler: One of the Good Guys 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler
Here is an overview of 12 Things you were not told about Adolf Hitler and National-Socialist Germany.
Alex Linder and Jan discuss race relations in South Africa as they are now. What are the various races of people in South Africa and how do they view each other and of special importance, how do they view Whites?
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Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels
Die Beginsels van Die Boere Staat Party - Program van beginsels
Hier kan jy hul beginsels lees. Daar is ook a kort video van hul leier Coen Vermaak waar hy praat oor hul beginsels