Video & Audio: When Belgium, White Africans & Blacks fought the Evil Communist Loving UN
2007: S.Africa: AIDS: Drug Resistant TB: People will die like flies in southern Africa
This was an article I published from a White pathologist in S.Africa. AIDS and TB combine to kill lots of Blacks. The pathologist sent me some really interesting info in this article.
This is the strange story of how the Belgians were forced out of their own colony by the globalist United Nations and how America sided with communists. Facing them were Blacks who were supported by the Belgians, South Africans and Rhodesians. Thus a Black nation seceded and fought the UN, but it was backed by Belgium and the Whites of Africa. The UN was on the side of Soviet backed Communists.
This is a little known war, even to those of us in African who live here. There are many fascinating aspects to this war, and it was the beginning of the so-called Liberation Wars of Africa. But, if America had acted differently, perhaps this could have been the place where Whites and Blacks could have stopped communism in Africa dead in it’s tracks. This is the strange story of the secession of Katanga.
Video: No War has EVER been fought over Right Vs Wrong
Everybody I come across thinks that wars are fought for moral reasons. They think wars are fought over the issue of Right versus Wrong or Good versus Bad. At first this shocked me and I realised that indeed everyone has been conditioned to think like this.