WARNING: Infertility from covid-19 vaccines is not a conspiracy theory; it’s a plausible outcome


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[This bothers me a lot. This outcome. Here a doctor confirms this could happen. Jan]

With the number of spontaneous abortions climbing, it has become apparent that the lab engineered spike protein was designed to depopulate the human race. Infertility caused by covid-19 vaccines is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a macabre experiment initiating a scientific process that exploits human physiology. The covid-19 vaccines are translating spike proteins in human cells, and delivering this foreign lab-made toxin into the bloodstream, where they can accumulate in reproductive organs. These spike proteins are attacking blood vessels and causing severe inflammation in the heart. Dr. McCullough says these systemic vaccine injuries are atrocities that we now know a great deal about.

Furthermore, as the immune system detects the presence of spike proteins in the blood, immune responsive cells will attack them (a process that was anticipated in accordance with traditional vaccine science). These spike proteins contain a homologous form of syncytin-1, which resembles a natural protein in humans. If the immune cells are trained to attack the syncytin-1 spike proteins, they could attack the natural form as well, a protein that is created from human endogenous retroviruses and is responsible for the placenta development in humans. If the human body begins to attack its own placenta cells, then females will have another serious obstacle to overcome when attempting to conceive.

Source: https://www.newstarget.com/2021-07-01-dr-peter-mccullough-covid-vaccines-killing-babies.html

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