Video & Audio: S.Africa: Blacks who openly talk about killing all the Whites


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6 Pics: When South Africa was White and VIBRANT! - The Hanging building!
This building still exists in Johannesburg. It was already built and looking great in the mid-1980s when I came to work in Johannesburg. Someone back then told me that the floors of this building are hanging. I did not quite know what to think of it, but its design is strange and when you look at the bottom, youll see the whole building is held up by a central column. (Just like those buildings of 911).

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Right-Click here to download the Audio

In this video I show examples of Blacks in South Africa in the last decade or even recently who openly spoke about killing ALL WHITES! They mention hideous things they would like to do to us. Then we look more closely at recent times and even watch a video where a famous Black Communist with links to Jews openly talks about revolution and killing. He did this in October 2022, and no doubt nothing will happen to him. He’s talked about killing Whites before and encouraged Blacks to kill Whites and nothing has happened to him.

You will see how happy some Blacks are when they hear of revolution and the killing of Whites. There is no outcry from either Liberals or Jews or even Black politicians and leaders in South Africa that this is HATE SPEECH and even incitement to genocide. Yet, if any White were to do any of this, they would be jailed and vilified and totally destroyed.

I did this video so that it is there for the record for all people across the world to see that there are Blacks here in South Africa who say the most hideous things imaginable about Whites AND THEY GET AWAY WITH IT! The whole system is rigged in their favour.

This was recorded on 2022-11-17.

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The real Secret of Oprah Winfrey‘s Success: She only/mainly hires WHITES!
Some weeks ago you will remember I posted a news item from the USA where people were remarking that Oprah lorded over whites. She said something about hiring only/mainly white people and now she orders them around

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