Video & Audio: Quick Lesson: The Identity crisis of Whites in Africa


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Africa: Witchcraft fears: Newborn babies bashed to death
Blacks in Africa believe the craziest Witchcraft nonsense. In this story you will see the kind of junk they believe and then if need be they kill their own babies.

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Although the whites of Africa know they come from Europe and are, mostly, proud of that and even deep down, happily racist with those facts.

There are things about life in Africa that has confused them, and among those things is Christianity and its values. Christianity has brought about a worship of the Jews/Hebrews. Many whites in the USA are similarly fooled by this hero worship of apparent heroes and moral characters who lived in the Middle East.

I discuss this, and I show the power of biology and turning back to that which we are related to in Europe and how much easier it is to understand and even fit in, with that culture.

Finally, I pose the question: Who would you like your children to marry?

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