COVID: How to weaken your immune system…


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Best Independent Website that monitors Ukrainian Tank losses in Ukraine War
Oryx is a brilliant independent Dutch website that monitors lots of military losses including the losses of Russian and Ukrainian tanks. They ONLY count vehicles that they can get photos of and can prove that these are the correct vehicles that were destroyed. This link will take you to see the verified Ukrainian tank losses and you can click to see the photos.

I saw someone posting some rules for how to weaken your immune system. And, guess what … its pretty much the same as the fake solution to this Covid crap!

Here were the rules:-

1. Avoid fresh air
2. Avoid movement
3. Sterilize your hands several times a day
4. Lack of oxygen, inhaling your own viruses & bacteria and CO2 (wearing a mask)
5. D vitamin deficiency (avoiding the sun)
6. Emotional stress

Notice a pattern? #quarantine

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The Incredible Hero: David Irving - Truth Telling Historian
I have tremendous respect for David Irving. This British man did the most incredible work doing research and telling the truth about Hitler, the NAZIS and Germany. He‘s very old now. Download everything you can from his website and if possible buy his books and support him. This is the most incredible man to come out of Britain in modern times.

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